
Digital Marketing is the online promotion of your business, products and services using digital technologies over the internet. It involves marketing to people who are using internet connected devices, reaching them over channels such as social media, email, search engines, websites, and mobile apps.

Digital Marketing is powerful for its ability to reach large numbers of people who are unique in some way that is important to you, to deliver very specific types of information to each of these unique people, and to be able to measure the success of these initiatives in a precise way. 

Digital Marketing is many elements all working together to deliver on the marketing strategy. The Digital Marketer’s job is to measure progress toward the strategy goals by monitoring the performance on each platform. The tactics may involve social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), and/or blogging.

Each of these channels requires trained and experienced professionals who understand how their efforts contribute to the larger strategy and goals. The digital marketing team has many specialists, working together toward the overall goals.

We work with small and medium sized businesses across Canada and the US. Our clients typically have an in-house marketing manager who oversees our work and with whom we work closely to develop and execute the digital marketing strategy and plan.

Our clients range across many industries including manufacturing, distribution, construction, e-commerce, retail, consumer products, marketing services, consulting services, associations, education, culture, health care and more. Our broad experience brings creative solutions to the marketing strategies we develop for our clients.

Additionally, we are a bilingual agency with full French and English language capabilities.  And we possess a strong understanding of each of the major Canadian cities. If your firm is outside of Canada and you want to strengthen your Canadian or North American presence, we can certainly help you reach that goal.

Yes, unquestionably. The right digital marketing agency can strengthen your brand presence, and bring more growth to your business. The key is to find the right partner who will give you the attention needed to deliver on the goals set. Making an impact on these goals takes time, discipline, skills and collaboration.

Enjoyable and engaging! Once the terms of our engagement have been defined, you will be assigned a single point-of-contact.

A dedicated Project Manager becomes your main point-of-contact. A team of specialists will be assigned based on the work we are hired to do, with the right people tackling each aspect.

Often our work together starts with the development of the marketing strategy. At this stage, we carry out research, identifying the key drivers and players in your industry, their successful tactics and missed opportunities in their active channels. An understanding or your competitors and their online strategies will provide your business with a sound set of recommendations for how we will strengthen your digital marketing impact.

We also evaluate your current online presence, applying sophisticated software tools to mine valuable insights that we then use to form a cohesive strategy to deliver the best ROI on your marketing spend with us.

Our client onboarding process gives you the chance to tell us everything we need to know. Once the onboarding process is complete, we then set to work doing our research and planning work. Our clients have the opportunity to review, revise and approve the strategy we propose.

Each month our clients receive a detailed report on our work and are offered an opportunity for a one-hour phone meeting to discuss it. We are accountable, accessible, and see ourselves as your customized marketing department.

Making an impact on your business and its marketing goals takes commitment, expertise, discipline, creativity and accountability. We bring these to the table for our clients who are busy people and need an agency they can rely on as their partner.

We price ourselves competitively and fairly. We do not aim to be the cheapest proposal on the table, but we will most certainly represent the best value.

The package of services we offer you will be based explicitly on your needs. Prior to developing a proposal for you, we will request a phone meeting to understand where you are having challenges. Then, in sending you a proposal, we will book time with you to review the proposal together, ensuring you understand each of the service deliverables described.

In addition to providing a highly proficient team of experts who are overseen by an account or project manager, we also use a wide range of the latest software tools to measure, analyze, and report on our work.

We believe that a strong relationship starts with a solid foundation, which is the fixed term contract that you will be offered. Rather than lock you in, the contract serves to make each party’s role in the relationship clear. And should we discover down the road that we are not a fit for each other, the contract has a cancellation clause.

Yes, we help other agencies with projects that are either larger or more specialized than they typically handle. If you’re offering digital marketing services and have clients that require solutions outside your current expertise, please reach out to us.

Would you like to start a project with us?

Request a Free Consultation Session with our Consultants to review your marketing plan and needs.